Dr. Jeffrey Borland

Research Interests:

 My main interests are: Analysis of labour market activity in Australia, and theoretical analysis of labour markets.
1. Labour market activity in Australia:
a) Earnings determination in Australia - Previous research has examined inter-industry wage differentials, and public/private wage differences. Current research is comparing inter-industry earnings structures between Australia and the US.
b) Earnings inequality in Australia - Previous research has examined changes in earnings inequality, changes in the age-earnings and education-earnings differentials, effects of deunionisation on earnings inequality, labour market participation of older males, and skill composition of employment in manufacturing industry. Current research is examining changes in occupational wage differentials, and effects of trade on labour market outcomes in Australia.
c) Labour market flows and unemployment - Previous research has examined job flows in manufacturing industry in Australia. Current research is studying gross flows data, and regional differences in unemployment in Australia.
2. Theoretical analysis of labour markets:
a) Contract theory - Previous research has examined career concerns models, and bonding/efficiency wage contracts.
b) Matching theory - Current research is studying role of matching effects in sporting labour markets.

Current Mailing Address:
University of Melbourne
Department of Economics
Parkville 3052

Phone: 011 61 393 446 899
Fax: 011 61 393 445 294
Email: j.borland@ecomfac.unimelb.edu.aa

CILN Working Papers

wp04 Jeffrey Borland Union Effects and Earnings Dispersion in Australia, 1986-1994
wp05 Jeffrey Borland Earnings Inequality in Australia: Changes and Causes